We’d like to introduce Carolien Soetens! This native of Den Bosch has been working in the position of Finance Director at Costo Group for almost a year now, and is very much enjoying her role. She takes care of the financial objectives and is responsible for the budgets, investments and control activities for the Costo Group, which has branches in the Netherlands and Portugal.

A good start

We asked Carolien why she chose to work at the Costo Group. ‘In looking back over a great career, I got to thinking about the best part of it. I’ve been able to gain a lot of experience in a variety of positions. But the most enjoyable part was when I was still working at Grasso International BV, in a small, highly responsive MT.

I wanted to have the feeling again that I could really contribute to a company’s growth. I saw the vacancy at Costo on LinkedIn, and responded immediately. As well as being organised and pragmatic, I am also quite emotionally oriented. I had a very good feeling about Costo and the people there, so I made the switch!

My initial impression of the company is extremely positive. I was received warmly and felt very welcome. It felt personal; the people knew each other so well. It’s a great company with wonderful products and a great deal of expertise. Of course, it takes some getting used to at first, but I could definitely recognise the setting and the mindset from other sectors I’ve worked in. Only the product is different.’

Photo on the right is with the Costo team in Porto.

Teamfoto porto

Carolien’s role as Finance Director

‘As Finance Director, I focus on merging and being “in control” of all of the branches with respect to finance. Costo has a number of branches that now often work on a stand-alone basis. It’s important to unite these into a single entity in order to create more structure. My greatest challenge is to redesign and determine the financial policy, including shaping and implementing new procedures. In other words, going off the beaten track and reinventing and implementing a new one.

My strength is in the figures from which I gain my information. What are we doing, and what are we working on? What is the end result, and in which areas is there still room for growth? I’m constantly working on these things and keeping a critical eye on the company’s direction. I’m also the critical voice within the MT.’

The company’s direction

‘Costo is a hands-on, direct, growing and challenging company. Our goal is to enable Costo to grow in a well-founded and responsible way, based on the enhancement of information, control and procedures. We can do this by running procedures in a structured way and looking ahead in order to stay in control of the company, as well as looking back and analysing the financial figures.’

Free time

‘I enjoy spending my free time with friends and family, especially my husband and our two children. I also enjoy keeping fit and I am active every day, switching between running, bodypump and pilates. It’s nice to be able to combine this with my work at Costo!’

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