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Improvement of the order picking process

Voice picking improves the accuracy, productivity and efficiency of the order picking process. It enables order pickers to keep their hands and eyes free and focus on their core task: picking the right goods from the correct location. The direct link with the WMS ensures that picking performance is more transparent in real time.

Voice orderpicking
Lydia voice

The benefits of voice picking

  • Paperless order picking, keeping hands and eyes free
  • Highly efficient with fewer picking errors
  • Increased productivity
  • Minimal training required
  • Real-time insight into performance

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How does voice picking work?

Voice picking means that order pickers communicate with the WMS by voice. Each order picker is equipped with a voice terminal and a headset with a microphone. The picker receives instructions through the headset on which location to move towards in order to pick the desired order lines. The picker then confirms the location and number of picks by saying them out loud. This enables the system to continuously monitor picking performance and eliminate picking errors. The direct link to the WMS means that picking performance can be viewed in real time. During the paperless picking process, the order picker has hands and eyes free so that they can concentrate on picking.

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Orderpicking voice

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